My name is jQuery++

06 Jun

(The goal of this blog entry is to provide you with enough information to start working with .net and jQuery++.)  
Hi, I’m jQuery++.
I am an MIT licensed collection of extremely useful DOM helpers and special events for jQuery 1.7 and later. I’m not a UI project like jQuery UI or jQuery Tools. Instead, I’m all about providing low-level utilities for things that jQuery doesn’t support. If Underscore is jQuery’s functional-programming tie, I am jQuery’s bald-spot covering toupee.
Select the plugins you want and click “Download” for a customized, unminified JavaScript file:
★DOM HELPERS – faster and easier DOM manipulation with:
 jQuery.animate – animate using CSS animations – compare element document position
 jQuery.cookie – read and write cookies
 jQuery.dimensions – set and animate innerWidth and outerWidth
 jQuery.formParams – serializes a form into an object
 jQuery.range – create and manipulate text ranges
 jQuery.selection – get and set the current text selection
 jQuery.styles – quickly read computed styles
 jQuery.within – get elements within an area or at a point
★EVENTS – listen to special events with:
 jQuery.event.destroyed – an element is removed from the DOM
 jQuery.event.drag – delegatable drag events
 jQuery.event.drop – delegatable drop events
 jQuery.event.fastfix – faster jQuery.event.fix using ES5 getters
 jQuery.event.hover – delegatable hover events
 jQuery.event.key – returns a string representation of the key pressed
 jQuery.event.pause – pause and resume event propagation
 jQuery.event.resize – listen to a resize event on any element
 jQuery.event.swipe – delegatable swipe events
More info is available on  jQuery++
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Posted by on 06/06/2012 in Uncategorized


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