Monthly Archives: July 2012

Create a basic gadget and installer for Windows 7.

In this blog post, I will discuss the steps needed to create a basic gadget in Windows 7.

A gadget consists of XML, HTML,Script and CSS files.

Gadget Directory:-

A directory to hold all gadget files( with the .Gadget extension) in c:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets.  
Follow these steps  to create  a new gadget :-

Step1.Create a new folder on your desktop and name it test.gadget .
Step2.Open that folder and create two files in that folder  .
 * gadget.xml 
The manifest is an XML file that contains the basic information about the gadget, such as the name, version, and permissions. 
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?>
  <description>Hello World Gadget.</description>
    <host name=”sidebar”>
      <base type=”HTML” apiVersion=”1.0.0″ src=”HelloGadget.html” />
      <platform minPlatformVersion=”1.0″ />

This HTML file is the main one used to display the gadget and also contains the CSS, used for styling and Script. It’s location is specified in the <base> tag of the manifest XML file (gadget.xml).

//—————– resizes the gadget display surface
function DoInit() { = 90; 55;;
<body onload=”DoInit();”>
<table border=”5″><tr><td><center><i>Hello World!</i></center></td></tr></table>

                 Open a Windows Explorer and drill-down to locate the
   following folder:
                c:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets.

                        Start/Run input boxes ( the Run dialog (Win+R) )
                       %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows sidebar\gadgets

                 Looking in that folder, you will see the other gadgets that are already installed.  Each is in a folder that has a file extension of .gadget

                 Drag the test.gadget folder from the desktop  and drop it into that Gadgets directory.

Step 4:-

                     Right-click the desktop and select Gadgets.
                     Your gadget is now visible in the gallery.

Create  gadget   Installer.

1. open the test.gadget all file
3. add to archive
4 .avoid .zip extension,
for eg:- The file test.gadget have any extension like ‘’, then remove .zip from test.gadget. ok button,after create gadgets installer.


Posted by on 31/07/2012 in Uncategorized


17-year-old Brittany Wenger builds cancer detecting artificial brain

The second annual Google Science Fair, a science talent competition for kids ages 13 to 18, was held this month in Palo Alto, California. This year’s winner, 17-year-old Brittany Wenger, wrote a cloud-based computer program that makes breast cancer detection less invasive. She called it the “Global Neural Network Cloud Service for Breast Cancer.” Wenger created computer programs coded to think like the human brain and then used them to locate mass malignancy in breast tissue samples.

Traditional methods of finding mass malignancy use a minimally invasive, but painful, biopsy called a fine needle aspirate (FNA). Analyzing tissues collected with this method isn’t always effective and sometimes results in further invasive procedures. Wegner tested her method with 7.6 million trials to see how accurately it would detect cancerous tumors. It succeeded with a 97.4 percent success rate in prediction and 99.1 percent sensitivity to malignancy when analyzing samples collected from FNA. Employing this data to a cloud service could make it possible for doctors to assess tumors without employing more invasive testing.

For winning the competition, Wegner received $50,000, a trip to the Galapagos Islands and one year of mentoring and internship opportunities. As for her future, Wegner said in a recent interview that she plans to major in computer science in college and attend medical school.


Posted by on 27/07/2012 in Uncategorized


unbelievable ,Is Facebook social network double agent ?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Facebook are actually tools for the U.S. intelligence community. 
The world’s largest social network, Google and Yahoo “have built-in interfaces for U.S. intelligence.”
Julian said: “Everyone should understand that when they add their friends to Facebook, they are doing free work for United States intelligence agencies, and building this database for them,”
“Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented,” Assange said in the interview, which was videotaped and published on the site. “Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and the communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence.”
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Posted by on 23/07/2012 in Uncategorized


Windows Phone 8 and iPhone5 realesing ‘"War"..!

The November release of Windows Phone 8 happens to be near the launch date for Apple’s iPhone 5.
Some may think that this may be a market strategy for both companies.Microsoft expecting a big revolution on their smartphones over i phones by this release.

According to current market, Samsung, Huawei , HTC and Nokia are the only maufacturs that co-operating with WP8, but market concerns says in future other famous established componies will launch Windows Phone 8.

WP8 features are WP8 apps,WP8 interface,WP8 browser and security,WP8 media and gaming,WP8 Video calling n,WP8 CPU,Microsoft Wallet,NFC support,Speech recognition,WP8 upgrades.

Apple’s latest design of their iPhone 5 features a smaller SIM slot than previous models,Nano SIM.This version user their latest OS , iOS6 and so its features.

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Posted by on 21/07/2012 in Uncategorized


The history of the language HTML5

 I have read  the history of the language , New key  features and improvements of the HTML5.  I think ,this share of mine will be very useful to developers..

 More info is available on Click

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Posted by on 18/07/2012 in Uncategorized